MESS Through The Roof

The Capitol - RMIT - Thursday 19 May 8pm–10pm

Melbourne Music Week, Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio (MESS) and RMIT Digital Media present 'MESS Through the Roof'.

Featuring: Catherine Ryan + R. P. Downie + Reuben Lewis + Tiffany Alwis

Four recent alumni of the 2021 MESS Professional Development course – Catherine Ryan, R. P. Downie, Reuben Lewis, and Tiffany Alwis – take to the stage of RMIT’s iconic Capitol theatre to perform an eclectic, genre-bending mix of live electronic music.

The scene will be set underneath a canopy of extraordinary lighting, designed by students from RMIT Digital Media’s Heightened Multisensory Experience studio. They will be presenting audiovisual works composed especially for the Capitol and its bespoke roof lighting system. From sublime to intense, by turn, the works create mesmerising, hypnogogic, exhilarating, brutal and overwhelming experiences.

RMIT artists: The Weird Kids + Tracey Dinh (light) & Christine Kung (sound) + Patricia Summers (light) & Rob Currulli (sound) + Rob Curulli / + cal_um

Produced by Studio Leads Darrin Verhagen and Shaun Wilson, and Program Manager Ben Byrne

Strap in for a wild and psychedelic ride.

Strobe Effect Warning: Please be advised that this show may contain strobe effects and intense lighting which may not be safe for those who are sensitive to light.

Details and tickets: